Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Industrial Nature - Inspired by Vee Speers (Assignment 5)



This photo series I have captured and edited is called Industrial Nature. It is about the contrast between man made beauty and natural beauty. It links to Vee Speers' The Birthday Party Series as they both contrast innocence with industrial. For example, the children in The Birthday Series were quite young and innocent, whereas the object they might of been holding could be opposite. And that's exactly what I've tried to incorporate in my piece. In Industrial Nature, I have took pictures of rather corporate things on people, masks of make-up, dull work uniforms, blood on glasses. Then, took pictures of considerably natural items instead, such as leaves and bare skin. I have used this to almost create an oxymoron of pictures, ones that contradict each other. But, at the same time, look like a piece.

To see screenshots of the editing process, the original photos, and the finished edits, click the link below:

Photography and Edits by Harriet Horscroft.
Modelling by Chloe Smith and Harriet Horscroft.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

"Parisians" by Vee Speers

I created a slideshow on the picture series "Parisians" by Vee Speers and the first 6 photos in the piece. I analyzed the pictures using the  FACTUAL/CONTEXT/TECHNICAL/AESTHETICS method.

I also create a Slideshare on Vee Speers and her work: